Axie Infinity Launches Homeland Avatar Mode: Explore Lunacia with Your Axies

By James Pebenito • July 18, 2024

Axie Infinity Launches Homeland Avatar Mode: Explore Lunacia with Your Axies

Axie Infinity has introduced an exciting new feature called Homeland Avatar Mode. This new mode allows players to use their Axie NFTs as avatars to navigate and explore the virtual world of Lunacia.

Image Source: Axie Infinity

In Homeland Avatar Mode, players can roam through Lunacia’s diverse landscapes and visit neighboring plots and four distinct villages: Goldenwind, Evergreen, Winterblue, and Hazymoon. The mode also supports real-time social interactions through general, local, and global chat channels, making the experience even more engaging.

Open to All Axie NFT Holders

The best part? This feature is available to all Axie NFT holders, regardless of whether they own land in Lunacia. Everyone can join in on the fun and exploration.

Axie Infinity is hosting an Open Beta Test from July 17 to 24. During this period, players can participate in daily events held across the four villages. Participants have the chance to win collectible Axies and land items by posting a screenshot of their favorite moment during the meetup with the hashtag #HomelandAvatar.

Event Schedule

  • July 17, 2024: Winterblue Village at 13:00 UTC
  • July 18, 2024: Hazymoon Village at 13:00 UTC
  • July 19, 2024: Evergreen Village at 13:00 UTC
  • July 20, 2024: Goldenwind Village at 13:00 UTC

Easy Navigation

To get started with Homeland Avatar Mode, players select an NFT Axie as their avatar. They can use the WASD keys or point-and-click controls for navigation. Additionally, portals are spread across the Homeland to facilitate quicker travel between locations.

Based on feedback from the Open Beta Test, Axie Infinity plans to expand and improve Avatar Mode. The full launch is anticipated for late July or early August.

Explore the enchanting world of Lunacia, interact with fellow players, and enjoy the new adventures that await in Homeland Avatar Mode!

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