Crypto Hobby Ranked Among Least Attractive to Women, Survey Reveals
By YGG News • August 27, 2024
Crypto Hobby Ranked Among Least Attractive to Women, Survey Reveals
A recent survey conducted by the Date Psychology blog has unveiled surprising findings about the attractiveness of certain hobbies among men, with a particular focus on how women perceive them. The survey, which involved 814 participants, revealed that women find men who are into crypto less attractive compared to those with hobbies like anime, cosplay, or even comic book collecting.
Crypto: A Low Ranking Hobby
According to the survey, only 23.1% of women considered crypto as an attractive hobby for men. This placed it as the ninth-most unattractive hobby on the list. Interestingly, the only hobby considered less attractive by women was collecting Funko products, which includes pop culture and media-based bobblehead figures.
The survey authors noted that their sample population was skewed toward women of “high social status,” who are predominantly white and highly educated. These women expressed a clear preference for hobbies such as reading, which topped the list of attractive hobbies with 98.2% approval. Other highly rated hobbies included learning a foreign language (95.6%) and playing a musical instrument (95.4%).
Misconceptions Among Men
The survey also revealed a disconnect between men’s perceptions and women’s actual preferences. When asked which hobbies they believed women would find attractive, 13.7% of men assumed crypto would be appealing. However, this assumption was far off the mark, with many women ranking crypto as one of the least desirable interests.
Despite the survey results, the authors advised against choosing hobbies purely to attract others. They emphasized that hobbies should reflect personal interests and passions, as those who choose hobbies based on perceived attractiveness are unlikely to stick with them in the long run.
Women Remain Skeptical About Crypto
This survey comes on the heels of an April 2023 Pew Research poll that showed women are more skeptical about crypto than men. In that poll, only 10% of women reported having traded, used, or invested in crypto, compared to 25% of men. Moreover, nearly 40% of the women who had engaged with crypto said they no longer held any, a higher percentage than their male counterparts.
While crypto may be a booming industry with numerous opportunities, it seems to fall short in the realm of dating and attractiveness according to the surveyed women. As the debate over hobbies and attractiveness continues, the key takeaway remains clear: pursuing hobbies that align with one’s own interests and passions is always the most fulfilling path.