SEC Warns Against 10 Unlicensed Investment Schemes

By James Pebenito • June 13, 2023

SEC Warns Against 10 Unlicensed Investment Schemes

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently acted to protect investors by issuing advice and warnings about fraudulent investment schemes. These warnings advise people not to interact with ten organizations that are soliciting investments without the required permits and licenses. The following are the main specifics and effects of the SEC’s actions:

The following companies have been named by the SEC as operating investment schemes without the necessary licenses and registrations: Fresh Deals Meat Trading, Life Blessing Philippines, Salig Philippines, Seven Co, Gemini Trust Company, Prolayer Egg Layer Poultry Farming, QZ Asset Management, Crypto Hub Finance, Enjoy PH, and Shopro International.

A guarantee of high returns

These organizations entice unwary investors with claims of extraordinarily high profits in a short amount of time. However, it is crucial to use caution when meeting such statements as they frequently act as warning signs for potential fraud.

Many of these unlicensed investment schemes use Ponzi schemes, a dishonest method in which funds supplied by new investors are used to pay returns to previous investors. When this unsustainable paradigm finally fails, investors will suffer enormous losses.

Lack of Compliance with Regulations

The entities that were forewarned failed to file reports with the SEC, get the required permits or secure the right permission to carry out investment activities. Serious questions regarding their validity and the interests of investors are raised by this non-compliance.

Investors are reminded by the SEC’s advisory to conduct due diligence before taking advantage of any investment opportunity. It is essential to look into and confirm the credentials of the investment provider, making sure they have the necessary licenses and authorizations.

Investors are advised to exercise caution and avoid taking part in any investment schemes that the SEC has identified as potentially fraudulent. People may safeguard their hard-earned money and reduce the chance of being a victim of fraud by avoiding these unlicensed organizations.

Trying to Find Licensed and Approved Entities

People should only take into account changes presented by licensed and authorized businesses to ensure the security and authenticity of investments. Investors might feel more secure and at ease knowing that these companies are governed by the SEC and follow the relevant regulations.

To protect investors’ interests and uphold the integrity of the financial market, the SEC has issued recommendations against several unregistered investment schemes. The SEC strives to shield people from potential financial harm by spreading awareness and warning about fraudulent operations. Before making any financial decisions, investors are urged to do their research, use caution, and consult a specialist.

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