Web3 Explained: Why It Matters for Businesses

By YGG News • June 14, 2022

Web3 Explained: Why It Matters for Businesses

In short, Web3 (or Web 3.0) is the third generation web. The technologies that make up Web3 include cryptocurrency, decentralized applications (DApps), smart contracts, Decentralized Autonomous Organisations (DAOs), and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). This new set of technologies are changing the way businesses operate online.

Web3 has the potential to transform how we exchange information online and do business in general. Many experts believe that Web3 is the future of the internet and that it will eventually become the most important set of technologies in the world, designed to make the internet faster, cheaper, and more secure.

Benefits of Web3 for Businesses

While blockchain and crypto are valuable parts of the Web3 platform, their impact goes way beyond that of cryptocurrency and financial transactions. In fact, Web3 has the potential to impact nearly every business model that exists today, including how customers interact and transact with businesses and how businesses interact with customers.

Below are just some of the ways that Web3 will change how businesses interact with customers:

No third party required. Decentralization means cutting out the middleman and allowing for peer-to-peer transactions. Instead of going through a centralized bank or service provider to process a transaction, blockchain allows for a transaction to be settled directly between buyer and seller without the need for an intermediary. This not only saves money but also reduces the potential for fraud because there’s no middle man or middleman involved. For example, when you send a payment using crypto, you transfer the money directly to the recipient’s account instead of having to pay a service fee to a third party like a bank or credit card company like Visa or MasterCard. In some cases, transaction fees can be as high as 5% or even higher. With Web3 technology, buyers and sellers can connect directly and bypass the middleman altogether, which reduces the cost of doing business.

Improved customer relations.  Blockchain offers transparency that businesses can use to manage their supply chains more effectively and improve their relationships with their customers. It’s the ultimate representation of transparency because it keeps a record of every transaction that occurs and is verified by participants in the network rather than some central authority. The ledger is public and cannot be changed or deleted once it’s created, which makes fraud nearly impossible and ensures that everything on the ledger is authentic and legitimate.

Improved Efficiency. Blockchain networks are more efficient because there’s no central authority that must coordinate everything and waste time and resources in the process.

Improved regulation compliance. Blockchain also enables smart contracts and the creation of decentralized applications (DApps) that automatically execute the terms of an agreement without the need for human intervention or middlemen. Smart contracts eliminate the need for lawyers to draft legal agreements by executing the terms of an agreement that are created by the two parties involved.

Supply chain management. DApps can also automate business processes, such as restaurant booking or supply chain management. It can facilitate transactions between disparate parties that are difficult to track, as well as automate payments and reduce transaction costs. By giving businesses and consumers more information about their supply chains, blockchain can foster greater transparency and make it easier for them to identify problems earlier and more efficiently address them.

Improved security. Blockchain networks are more secure than traditional networks because there’s no central authority that can be infiltrated or hacked. With Web3, data is stored on blockchains instead of traditional servers. This means hackers can’t gain access to sensitive data because those data aren’t stored on a single computer that can be compromised.

What does Web 3.0 mean for your business?

Web3 and the blockchain are disruptive technologies that will fundamentally change how business is done online and across traditional industries. By cutting out the need for middlemen and eliminating the need for lawyers, Web3 can help businesses save money and increase efficiency by automating routine processes. The distributed nature of Web3 means it is both safer and cheaper for businesses and consumers to use than conventional centralized systems.

The evolution of the Web has been dramatic and companies can no longer afford to ignore the developing trend for Web3 applications. Businesses should keep an eye on its progress to capitalize on any opportunities as Web2 phases out and Web3 becomes the norm. It’s undeniable that Web3 is the next major phase of the Internet; its evolution is already under way and poised to impact every industry from healthcare to energy to retail to banking and beyond.

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