Author name: YGG News

history of metaverse

Brief History of the Metaverse

The Metaverse is inspired by science fiction stories like the Matrix and Ready Player One that depict a fictional universe existing in cyberspace where users can interact with one another and with their environment via avatars. These stories were popularized by pop culture in the 1980s and 90s, but the idea of a virtual universe has been explored for decades in science fiction and fantasy stories, even as early as the 1900s. We have come a long way since then in developing technology to create an immersive virtual world, but the concept of the metaverse is not new!

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ygg alerts anniversary

YGG ALERTS CELEBRATES 1st Anniversary: Road to 1M

The power of information to connect individuals has been the driving force for YGG Alerts to surface on the social media platform Facebook. Bred by the simple interest to update netizens on the status of the play-to-earn (P2E) game Axie Infinity, the Facebook page once followed by only 15 users has started pooling volunteers with the same interest, growing into a community of volunteers that now aims to propel community-building in Web3.

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